xLEAD redefines how individuals, teams, and organizations succeed in an exponentially changing world. Based on decades of leadership research and experience from the top academic institutions, our products empower the next generation of leaders across all levels of an organization.
Our mission is to enable individuals and teams to recreate themselves and their organizations to reach higher levels of innovation, engagement, and effectiveness. With a global network of expert coaches and facilitators, our tools and technology provide the building blocks teams and organizations need to develop extraordinary leaders for extraordinary times.
OUR Founding TEAM
As c o-founder and Managing Director of xLEAD, Jason provides strategic direction while managing business development and day-to-day operations of the company.
Jason brings over 25 years of business development and management experience within the fields of enterprise software and team collaboration. From Global 500’s to start-ups, Jason has worked with companies around the globe including Accenture, Allianz, Amazon, Carrefour, CBS, Cisco Systems, Convergys, Corning, M&M Mars, National Geographic, and United Healthcare.

Deborah is the Seley Distinguished Professor of Management, a Professor of Work and Organization Studies, and the Founder of the MIT Leadership Center at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
Professor Ancona’s work focuses on the concept of distributed leadership and on the development of research-based tools, practices, and teaching/coaching models that enable organizations to foster creative leadership at every level.

Henrik is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at INSEAD, having served for five years as the Academic Director of the INSEAD Global Leadership Centre (IGLC).
Professor Bresman's research on leadership, organizational change and teams in contexts of technological innovation, international post-acquisition integration, and strategic change draws on data from industries such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, software development, and investment banking.