Gain Insights for Improvement with x360
A fully online survey, the x360 provides feedback to global leaders operating in a rapidly changing world. Built on decades of academic research, x360 uncovers leaders’ blind spots—empowering them to maximize their impact while understanding how they can bring out the best in their colleagues.
The x360 Difference:
Shaping more nimble leaders. Insights that show leaders how to truly collaborate with others, execute and learn, and create a vision that energizes multiple constituents.
Backed by academic research. Built with permission on work from scholars from around the world, x360 uses the most reliable and valid scales and measures in academic discourse today.
Grounded in a proven model. 4-CAPS+ teaches executives and leaders how to build upon their strengths and overcome their weaknesses or flaws: Adaptability (who you are), 4-CAPS+ (what you do), and Effectiveness (the impact you have).
Applicable in any industry and organizational setting. A uniquely effective tool for leaders in workplaces characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity, diversity, and accelerating change.

How the x360 Survey Works
The x360 survey is an anonymous, multi-rater online survey that analyzes your responses against feedback from your professional peers—managers, associates, and direct reports across your organization—to comprehensively evaluate one’s skills, attitudes, and influence. Based on proven academic research highlighting the leadership capabilities needed for leadership excellence, participants receive an easy-to-digest, intuitively designed report with action-oriented takeaways in these areas of leadership:
The traits that enable you to lead—how you manage emotions, use paradoxical thinking, and believe in yourself
Making sense of the chaotic, uncertain world around us.
Developing supportive relationships within your team and across boundaries.
Co-creating a shared, compelling vision of the future and inspiring change.
New ways to execute on current goals and create a culture of learning and innovation for change.
Leading with integrity and in keeping with core principles.
How you make a positive impact on people, results, and innovation.
Why x360?
Based on the xLEAD Leadership Development model, our x360 survey draws from "distributed leadership"— the idea that effective leaders are not only great individually, but they are also focused on the development and support of other leaders across all levels to enhance the collective capacity of an organization.
Pioneered by xLEAD Co-Founders Deborah Ancona at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Henrik Bresman at INSEAD, in collaboration with Thomas Malone, Wanda Orlikowski, and Peter Senge at the MIT Sloan School of Management, x360 orients leaders to their strengths, limitations, and a mindset to seek out people whose skills augment their own. The catalyst for more effective leadership is greater self-awareness—understanding the collection of an individual’s strengths and weakness—which is essential for the success of organizations and teams built to complement the skills of one another.
Our Approach to Building Better Leaders
xLEAD redefines how individuals, teams, and organizations should adapt to an exponentially changing world.
We combine powerful learning content based on decades of research and experience, products and technologies to bring the models to life and embed learning, and access to expert coaches and facilitators to empower the leadership development process and the next generation of global leaders.
Our tools provide a framework for leaders to build more dynamic and innovative teams, be more externally active, and create intentional networks of collaboration and execution.
Tools to Motivate and Engage
For leaders at all levels, our offerings provide the building blocks teams and organizations need to advance their leadership development goals.
Participant Profile
MBA candidates
Managers at any level
Innovation leaders
Senior leaders and executives
Project leaders
Intact teams
Change managers